This is a tool provided for free by Shopee, where a Facebook catalogue is shared to sellers' Facebook Business manager.


What is Facebook CPAS?

CPAS stands for "Collaborative Ads".

This is a tool provided for free by Shopee, where a Facebook catalogue is shared to sellers' Facebook Business manager.

  1. This catalogue is auto-synced to seller's stores.
  2. Sellers are able to run dynamic ads using this catalogue on Facebook and Instagram without stopping the ads each time they make a change to their Shopee store listings.

What are the requirements for sellers to receive the CPAS catalogue?

Step A: Please prepare the key information below-

  1. Facebook Business Manager ID.
  2. Ad Account ID (a new and exclusive account for Shopee Collaborative Ads).
  3. Screenshot of View Access to Shopee Business Manager (ID: 1472239313020616).
  4. Country of the shop(s) and Shop ID(s).
  5. Run by brand or agency? If run by agency, kindly provide the name of agency.


Sellers will need Admin access to your Business Manager to retrieve item #1 to -3 of the above.

Step B: Submit the above information to Shopee MS team or through MSP

  1. Seller / agency is to submit all required materials via this CPAS Submission Form
  2. Shopee Marketing Solutions (MS) team to request CPAS catalogue creation from Regional Ad Ops team
  3. Seller to receive email from MS team once CPAS catalogue is shared to the Seller's ad account.

For a step-by-step guide to getting all the required information, click here.

Step C: Step to Accept Shared Catalog

How do I set up my CPAS ads?

To set up your ads, sellers will you'll need to go through 4 key steps:

To go through the CPAS ads setup, sellers can download the step-by-step guide at the end of this article for reference. (attachment titled '[External MY] Shopee Collaborative Ads (CPAS) Setup Guide_v2021')

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