What is Facebook CPAS?
CPAS stands for "Collaborative Ads".
This is a tool provided for free by Shopee, where a Facebook catalogue is shared to sellers' Facebook Business manager.
- This catalogue is auto-synced to seller's stores.
- Sellers are able to run dynamic ads using this catalogue on Facebook and Instagram without stopping the ads each time they make a change to their Shopee store listings.
What are the requirements for sellers to receive the CPAS catalogue?
Step A: Please prepare the key information below-
- Facebook Business Manager ID.
- Ad Account ID (a new and exclusive account for Shopee Collaborative Ads).
- Screenshot of View Access to Shopee Business Manager (ID: 1472239313020616).
- Country of the shop(s) and Shop ID(s).
- Run by brand or agency? If run by agency, kindly provide the name of agency.
Sellers will need Admin access to your Business Manager to retrieve item #1 to -3 of the above.
Step B: Submit the above information to Shopee MS team or through MSP
- Seller / agency is to submit all required materials via this CPAS Submission Form
- Shopee Marketing Solutions (MS) team to request CPAS catalogue creation from Regional Ad Ops team
- Seller to receive email from MS team once CPAS catalogue is shared to the Seller's ad account.
For a step-by-step guide to getting all the required information, click here.
Step C: Step to Accept Shared Catalog
How do I set up my CPAS ads?
To set up your ads, sellers will you'll need to go through 4 key steps:
To go through the CPAS ads setup, sellers can download the step-by-step guide at the end of this article for reference. (attachment titled '[External MY] Shopee Collaborative Ads (CPAS) Setup Guide_v2021')