What is the MY-SG Direct Programme?
Under the MY-SG Direct Programme, MY sellers will be able to sell their products directly to SG buyers. Unlike Shopee International Platform (SIP) where Shopee manages cross border shops on behalf of sellers, sellers in the MY-SG Direct Programme will be able to operate and manage their shop on the Shopee SG platform, as per a local SG seller. MY-SG Direct Programme sellers will also enjoy a one-stop cross-border logistics and payments solution, alongside attractive incubation programs to help them kick-start and maximise their business potential in the SG market.
Strategi Menjual Produk Dropship 2024
Programme Benefits:
- Seamless business expansion into SG with full shop control: Tap into the dynamic SG market with full control of your SG shops (varies from SIP where the SG shop is operated by SIP)
- Reliable logistics and payment solutions: SPX Express / Ninja Van provides end-to-end logistic services. Remittance via Payoneer / LianLian
- Strong platform support: New direct sellers participating in the MY-SG Direct Growth Programme will enjoy guaranteed traffic exposure, 0% base commission for the first 3 months, 50% off paid ads for the first month, and more!
- Dedicated MY-SG incubation and seller support: MY-based MY-SG incubation and seller support team to support MY local sellers to onboard and grow on Shopee SG
Platform Support:
Programme Eligibility
At this phase of the programme, sellers are eligible to sign up if:
- You have a pick-up address in West Malaysia
- Your products do not exceed supported dimension/weight restrictions (Ninja Van: total of 3 sides < 200 cm and each side < 100 cm; weight < 30 kg; SPX: this article)
- Your products must not be items prohibited by SPX Express / Ninja Van. For Ninja Van specifically, prohibited items include liquid > 100ml, products that contain lithium batteries, etc. For the full list of prohibited items, kindly reach out to our CS team and/or your Relationship Manager (RM)
- Your products must abide by both Malaysia and Singapore laws and regulations
⚠️ Note:
Sellers may find out more detailed information and list of prohibited items here (Ninja Van), or this article (SPX), or reach out to your local RM. Interested sellers may fill up the sign-up form, and the Acquisition team will be in touch if you are short-listed into the programme.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. Do I need to be a Singapore resident to be eligible for the MY-SG Direct Programme?
No, you are eligible to join the MY-SG Direct Programme if you are a
a) Malaysian resident seller
b) Local enabler
c) CB enabler with a valid Malaysian address for dispatch/pickup
2. What is the difference between the MY-SG Direct Programme and Shopee International Platform (SIP)?
MY-SG Direct Programme shops are managed by sellers, while SIP shops are managed by Shopee. With the MY-SG Direct Programme, you can maximise the sales potential of your shop by determining your own pricing, listing, campaign participation decisions, similar to how you operate your local shop in Malaysia.
3. Are there any seller fees for the MY-SG Direct Programme?
Yes, chargeable fees include commission, service, transaction, and shipping fees. Please refer to the Additional FAQs attachment at the end of this article for more information.
4. Do I need to source for my own logistics / payment solutions?
No, one-stop logistics and payment solutions are available via SG Seller Center.
5. As it will be my first time selling overseas, how will Shopee support me?
Upon joining, you will receive structured incubation support by our dedicated MY-SG team. Upon graduation from the incubation period, you will be assigned a dedicated MY-SG RM to support you, if the performance of your shop meets a certain threshold.