Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024 - BLOG SHOPPERMANIAC

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

Artikel kali ini adalah bagaimana menggunakan Product Ads. Langkah pertama sebaik sahaja klik Shopee Ads anda diberika 3 pilihan dan anda klik Promote

Shopee buat hal lagi dan kini ia telah mengubah 100% interface Shopee Ads mereka.

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

Shopee ads kini terbahagi kepada 3 bahagian iaitu :

  • Promote My Product  ( Product Ads) 
  • Promote My Shop ( Shop Ads) 
  • Promote Live ( Live Ads) 

Artikel kali ini adalah bagaimana menggunakan Product Ads.
Langkah pertama sebaik sahaja klik Shopee Ads anda diberikan 3 pilihan dan anda klik Promote My Product ( Product Ads) 

Terdapat 3 bahagian yang harus anda isi :

Bahagian Pertama ( Basic Setting) 

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

Bahagian Budget dan Duration ( Time Length) saya rasa sama sahaja.
Perubahan ialah di bahagian placement iaitu All, Search atau Discovery dimana produk anda akan ditonjolkan.

  • All: Produk anda akan ditunjukkan di Search dan Discovery 
  • Search : Carian yang dicari oleh pembeli dibahagian Search Page
  • Discovery : Produk anda akan ditunjukkan di Daily Discovery dan You May Also Like
Penerangan lanjut anda boleh baca dibawah ( dalam bahasa English) 

This article will introduce you to the budget, duration, and placement settings for Product Ads.

Note: When you set the budget, duration, and placement during the Product Ads setup, the same values for each setting will apply to every Product Ad that is published during the same setup process. For example, if you select 5 products during setup, each of the 5 Product Ads that are published will have the same budget, duration, and placement applied.


Budget is the maximum amount that you want to spend on each Product Ad. You can configure your budget as unlimited or set a daily budget amount.

  1. Unlimited: When you select this option, there will be no limit to how much your Product Ad can spend each day.
  2. Daily budget: This option allows you to set a daily maximum amount that your Product Ad can spend. Once the daily budget is used up during the day, your Product Ad will temporarily stop being displayed to shoppers for the rest of the day.

Tip: Follow the suggested budget amount to maximise your Product Ads’ potential while managing your ad spend.


Duration lets you control how long your Product Ad runs for. You can start your ad right away without an end date, or schedule a start date and end date.

  1. No end date: When you select this option, your Product Ad will start immediately after it's published and run indefinitely.
  2. Set start/end dates: This option allows you to choose the the start date and end date of your Product Ad. If you set the start date as the current day, the Product Ad will start immediately after publishing. Otherwise, your Product Ad will start at 00:00 (GMT+8)[replace with local time offset] on the scheduled start date, and end at 23:59 (GMT+8) [replace with local time offset] on the scheduled end date.

You will still be able to change the duration, or manually start, pause, or stop a Product Ad after publishing it.


Placement refers to where your Product Ad can be shown to shoppers. There are 2 main placements offered by Shopee Ads: Search and Discovery.

1. Search 

Product Ads in the Search placement will be shown in search results when shoppers search for relevant keywords. A maximum of 60 Product Ads will be shown in the search results for any single keyword, whether in the Shopee app or on the Shopee website. 

  1. Search - App

Product Ads are displayed as the first 2 product listings in the search results page. Thereafter, 1 ad is displayed after every 3 listings.

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

  1. Search - Web

Product Ads are displayed as the first 5 and last 5 product listings of the search results page. 

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

2. Discovery

Product Ads in the Discovery placement will be shown the product recommendation sections on Shopee: Daily Discover and You May Also Like.

  1. Daily Discover
  2. In the first 55 Daily Discover positions, up to 26 Product Ads are displayed. The exact ad position might vary.
  3. Daily Discover - App

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

  1. Daily Discover - Web

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

  1. You May Also Like

In the first 35 You May Also Like positions, up to 12 Product Ads are displayed. The exact ad position might vary.

  1. You May Also Like - App

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

  1. You May Also Like - Web

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

Selecting “All” placements will allow you to show your Product Ad in both Search and Discovery placements at once. You will be able to view the performance data for your Product Ad broken down by placement, so you can monitor the relative performance of each placement.

You can change the placement setting of your Product Ad anytime after it is published.

Note: Auto Product Ads are shown in all placements by default. It is not possible to specify the Search placement or the Discovery placement for an Auto Product Ad. If you are setting up an Auto Product Ad for the first time, please note that the “All” placements option must be selected to proceed with the setup.

Bahagian Kedua (Product) 

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

Bahagian ini agak mudah dimana anda hendak Shopee memilihkan produk terbaik anda atau anda memilih produk anda sendiri.

Ini tiada bezanya dengan Shopee Ads yang lama dimana jika anda manual ia akan keluar kotak untuk anda pilih produk anda sendiri sehingga maksimum 50 produk.

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

Anda boleh membaca lebih lanjut dan mendalam artikel dibawah ini 

About Auto Product Ad and Selecting Products for Ads

This feature is still in beta mode, and is only available to selected sellers. 

Shopee Ads currently offers 2 ways to promote your products: 

  1. Automating your product promotion with an Auto Product Ad
  2. Creating individual Product Ads for specific products

This article will explain the difference between creating an Auto Product Ad and creating individual Product Ads, as well as offer tips to optimise these options.

What is an Auto Product Ad?

An Auto Product Ad dynamically curates high potential products from your shop and showcases these products to relevant shoppers in high-traffic areas. Your Auto Product Ad is a one-stop advertising solution that takes care of everything, from product selection to bidding to performance optimisation.

Note: Your Auto Product Ad operates at the shop level and is a one-time setup. This means that your shop can only run one Auto Product Ad at any given time. You can pause, resume, or stop your Auto Product Ad anytime.

How do I set up an Auto Product Ad?

Setting up an Auto Product Ad is easy and can be done in a few clicks. To set up a new Auto Product Ad:

  1. Go to create a new Product Ad.
  2. Ensure that all placements are chosen and that the “Automatically select best products” option in the Products section is selected.Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024
  3. (Optional) Set a budget, duration [link needed], or ROAS Target [link needed] (if applicable).
  4. Click “Publish” to publish your Auto Product Ad.

Note: An Auto Product Ad is active in all placements by default. It is not possible to specify the Search placement or the Discovery placement for an Auto Product Ad. If you select “Search” or “Discovery” for Placement during setup, you will not be able to set up an Auto Product Ad.

What happens after I set up an Auto Product Ad?

After you publish your Auto Product Ad, Shopee’s system will spend the first 2 weeks exploring different ways to promote your products to shoppers. It does this in order to learn about which products, placements, audiences, and delivery methods perform best. Products that are undergoing this learning process are labelled with a “Learning” tag.

During the initial “learning phase”, it is normal and expected for the Auto Product Ad’s performance to fluctuate. However, as the system accumulates more information about your products and shoppers, performance gradually stabilises and the ROAS typically improves.

To facilitate the learning process, we recommend letting your Auto Product Ad run normally during the first 2 weeks of delivery without pausing, stopping, or making significant edits to it; this lets you enjoy stable and reliable ad performance as soon as possible.

Why is the “Automatically select best products” option unavailable for me?

If the “Automatically select best products” option is greyed out for you when you try to create new Product Ads, ensure the following: 

  1. The “All” option for the Placement setting must be currently selected.
  2. You currently do not already have an Auto Product Ad that is ongoing, paused, or scheduled.

If your shop has fewer than 5 eligible products, you will not be able to run an Auto Product Ad.

What’s the difference between creating an Auto Product Ad and creating individual Product Ads for specific products?

With an Auto Product Ad, there is no need for you to actively manage which products are being promoted at a given time – the Auto Product Ad automatically prioritises products that have high potential for sales and conversions based on real-time traffic and shopper data. 

On the other hand, creating individual Product Ads for specific products allows you to selectively target which products you want to promote at certain schedules. Having individual Product Ads also gives you control over where and how each product is advertised.

The following table summarises more key differences between having an Auto Product Ad and having individual Product Ads.

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

Should I run an Auto Product Ad and individual Product Ads at the same time?

For complete coverage of your products, we recommend running an Auto Product Ad even if you already have individual Product Ads for your products, as your Auto Product Ad can help to fill in the gaps.

The following scenarios help to illustrate how our system allocates ad delivery when you have an Auto Product Ad running at the same time as individual Product Ads.

1. A product is already being advertised by my Auto Product Ad. What happens when I create a new Product Ad for this product?

When this new Product Ad and the Auto Product Ad are ongoing at the same time, the Product Ad will take priority over your Auto Product Ad. Your Auto Product Ad will temporarily exclude this product from its scope and prioritise other high-potential products that do not have active Product Ads.

2. I am already running Product Ads for most of my products. What happens when I create a new Auto Product Ad for my shop?

In this scenario, your Auto Product Ad will promote the remaining high-potential products that do not already have ongoing Product Ads.

Choosing the right products to advertise using individual Product Ads

Our algorithm constantly processes the available data to identify and recommend products that have high sales potential when advertised.

  1. When creating ads on Seller Centre, the recommended products are highlighted with "Best Selling", "Good ROAS" or "Top Searched" tags. 

What are "Best Selling", "Good ROAS" and "Top Searched" products?

  1. "Best Selling" products are the best-sellers within their categories, and have high potential to generate even more sales with ads. 
  2. "Good ROAS" products have potential to achieve healthy Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) when advertised, based on their organic sales and the average ads expense of their categories.
  3. "Top Searched" products are associated with top searched keywords, and have potential to generate even more impressions and sales with ads.

Can I set up multiple Product Ads for each product?

Yes, it’s possible to have multiple Product Ads for each product. This allows you to run both bidding methods [link needed] (Manual Bidding and Auto Bidding) for a product at the same time, for example.

Bahagian Ketiga (Bidding) 

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024
Bidding Shopee ini bermaksud jumlah wang yang sanggup anda bayar setiap perklik. Sama sahaja dengan Shopee Ads yang lama.

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

Katakan anda memilih Manual Bidding, anda akan melihat kotak seperti diatas dimana anda mempunyai 2 pilihan. Iklan ini saya pilih All.

Add Keyword - iaitu placement untuk Search dimana anda akan memilih kata kunci yang sesuai ungtuk produk anda dan bidding. ( Sama seperti Shopee Ads yang lama).
Manakala untuk discover pula anda akan memilih jumlah bidding untuk Daily Discovery dan You May Also Like. ( Sama seperti Shopee Ads yang lama).

SETELAH semuanya diisi maka anda boleh tekan butang PUBLISH.

Kesimpulan Product Ads Shopee 2024

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

Untuk pengetahuan dibahagan Discovery terdapat fitur yang membolehkan anda membuat targetting umur dan gender tetapi ia terpilih pada Shopee Seller yang dipilih oleh Shopee.

Artikel ini memberikan penerangan leangkap bagaimana menggunakan Product Ads Shopee dan ianya tidak sukar tetapi bejati-hati kerana salah setting ia mampu menyedut duit anda.

Cara Guna Product Ads Shopee 2024

Untuk pengetahuan Boost Ads masih lagi berfungsi seperti biasa dan ia terletak di bahagian My Product. Ada sesiapa yang guna Boost Ads ini ker.

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