SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

ciri pemulangan kembali disebabkan “berubah fikiran” selepas pembelian atau dinamakan Shopee sebagai “Change of Mind”.


SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

Shopee kini mengumumkan mereka akan mengimplementasi ciri baharu pada platform mereka, dimana berkuat-kuasa 19 Mac 2024, semua produk di platform Shopee akan dilindungi dibawah 

Dibawah perlindungan ini, pembeli boleh memulangkan kembali barangan yang telah dibeli dalam tempoh 15 hari selepas pembelian. Shopee menyatakan pengenalan ciri ini akan menambah baik lagi pengalaman pengguna, dan secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan kadar jualan kerana keyakinan pengguna lebih tinggi.

Dengan pengenalan ciri ini, pengguna boleh melakukan pembelian barangan, dan sekiranya tidak menyukai barangan yang diterima atau “berubah fikiran” selepas barangan diterima, boleh memilih untuk memulangkan semula barangan tersebut dan menerima duit kembali.

Barangan yang menyokong ciri ini juga akan dilabelkan dengan tag “Free Returns” pada penyenaraian jualan.

Shopee menyatakan penjual akan menanggung kos penghantaran pemulangan kembali. Namun, untuk fasa awal ini, Shopee membolehkan penjual tuntut kembali kos pemulangan – terhad kepada 1000 tempahan sebulan untuk Shopee Mall, 750 tempahan sebulan untuk Shopee Preferred, dan 500 tempahan sebulan untuk Shopee Marketplace.

Ciri baharu ini akan aktif pada Shopee berkuat-kuasa 19 Mac 2024 kelak.



As we strive to improve user experience for both buyers and sellers on the platform, we will be updating our Return/Refund policy. Effective 19 March 2024, all products on the platform (with certain exceptions) will be covered under the Change of Mind (COM) Return feature.

The Change of Mind Return is not applicable to certain product categories. Learn more here.


Sellers' Non-Fulfilment Rate (NFR) will NOT be impacted by Change of Mind.

Through this feature, sellers will bear the Forward Shipping Fee (FSF) and Return Shipping Fee (RSF) on their buyers' Return/Refund orders. However, sellers can opt to subscribe to the Seller Shipping Fee Saver Programme to enjoy additional cost and time savings. Click here to learn more.

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee


Only Mall sellers will have the returns checked by Shopee whereas all non-Mall sellers will have their returns go direct-to-seller.

How does it work for buyers?

Items eligible for Change of Mind Return will be tagged with a Free Return flag.

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

Buyers will need to return the item to sellers within 15 days of order delivery date. This is in accordance with the Shopee Guarantee Period.

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

What happens if the item(s) are not in good condition?

During the return process, sellers are able to raise a dispute within 3 days after the item has been returned to the seller 's side if they found out that the item condition did not meet an expectation as per order state.

How to claim for FSF & RSF reimbursements?

In certain COM cases, sellers who are not in the Seller Shipping Fee Saver Programme may still be able to claim for FSF & RSF reimbursements, based on the following:  

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

*FSF = Forward Shipping Fee; RSF = Return Shipping Fee

Sellers can click here to submit the form for reimbursements.

Here are steps on how to fill up the form:

Step 1: Fill in your email address and user name

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

Step 2: Fill in your Request ID (Seller Centre > Return/Refund < Request ID) and FSF/RSF amount

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

Step 3: Fill in the month that you want to claim for and the date buyer raised the Return and Refund

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

Frequently Asked Questions

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

Kategori produk yang tidak boleh dipulangkan

Products are not returnable if at least 1 item falls within the below categories OR is a non-returnable item, then Change of Mind will not be applicable.

Refer to the tables below for a detailed list of non-returnable products under each main category.

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

SHOPEE Return/Refund: Change of Mind Bunuh Seller Shopee

For non-returnable item, the products that are categorized under the following list are not eligible for Change of Mind:

Perishable goods

  1. Food & Beverages > Fresh & Frozen Food
  2. Food & Beverages > Dairy & Eggs
  3. Food & Beverages > Bakery
  4. Live plants

Digital Products

  1. Tickets, Vouchers & Services
  2. "Deals Near Me"


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