Affiliate marketing atau pemasaran rakan kongsi bukanlah satu konsep baru dalam dunia perniagaan. Ia telah wujud sejak sebelum zaman internet dan telah digunakan oleh syarikat-syarikat besar untuk mempromosikan produk mereka.
Pada awalnya, affiliate marketing digunakan dalam bentuk program rakan kongsi di mana syarikat akan membayar komisen kepada individu yang membantu dalam menjual produk mereka. Contohnya, syarikat penerbitan buku akan membayar komisen kepada penjual buku yang membantu dalam menjual buku-buku mereka.
Dengan kemunculan internet pada tahun 1990-an, affiliate marketing semakin berkembang pesat. Pelbagai syarikat dan pengiklan mula menggunakan program affiliate untuk mempromosikan produk mereka. Ini membuka peluang kepada individu untuk menjana pendapatan tambahan dengan menjadi rakan kongsi.
Affiliate marketing adalah satu cara pemasaran dalam talian di mana pengiklan membayar komisen kepada penjual yang mempromosikan produk mereka. Konsep affiliate marketing muncul pada tahun 1994, apabila William J. Tobin melancarkan program affiliate bagi laman webnya, PC Flowers & Gifts. Dalam program ini, penjual yang mempromosikan produk dari laman web tersebut akan menerima komisen atas setiap jualan yang dihasilkan melalui affiliate link mereka.
Sejak itu, affiliate marketing telah berkembang pesat dan menjadi salah satu cara pemasaran yang paling popular dalam talian. Ia membolehkan pengiklan untuk mencapai audiens yang lebih luas dan memperluaskan jangkauan promosi mereka melalui affiliate link.
Kesan affiliate marketing pada masyarakat adalah positif dalam banyak aspek. Pertama, ia memberikan peluang perniagaan yang mudah untuk orang awam untuk memulakan perniagaan dalam talian tanpa perlu mempunyai produk mereka sendiri. Ini membantu untuk meningkatkan kepelbagaian dalam pasaran dan memberikan peluang untuk menambah pendapatan.
Kedua, ia membolehkan pengiklan untuk mencapai audiens yang lebih luas dan memperluaskan jangkauan promosi mereka. Dalam zaman digital yang serba canggih ini, orang ramai semakin membeli-belah dalam talian, dan affiliate marketing membolehkan pengiklan untuk menjangkau pelanggan di seluruh dunia.
Affiliate marketing memberikan banyak kelebihan kepada pelbagai pihak. Bagi syarikat, ia membolehkan mereka mempromosikan produk mereka secara lebih berkesan dengan kos yang lebih rendah. Bagi rakan kongsi, ia membolehkan mereka untuk menjana pendapatan tambahan tanpa perlu mengeluarkan modal yang besar.
Kesannya pada masyarakat juga besar. Affiliate marketing membolehkan individu dengan kemahiran pemasaran yang rendah untuk turut serta dalam dunia perniagaan dan menjana pendapatan tambahan. Ia memberikan peluang kepada mereka yang ingin memulakan perniagaan tetapi tidak mempunyai modal yang besar untuk memulakan perniagaan sendiri.
Dalam dunia digital yang semakin berkembang, affiliate marketing semakin penting dan popular. Dengan kemampuan untuk menjangkau audiens global dan pelbagai platform digital untuk mempromosikan produk, affiliate marketing memberikan peluang yang tiada batasan untuk individu dan syarikat.
Jana 4 hingga 5 angka sebagai Affiliate
Many people are already familiar with the concept of affiliate marketing, but may not know how it all began.
The history of affiliate marketing can be traced back to the early days of the internet.
1989 – The Year Affiliate Marketing Was Introduced

In 1989, William J. Tobin, the founder of PC Flowers & Gifts and the world’s first affiliate marketer, launched his e-commerce website on the Prodigy Network. (Source: Easy Affiliate)
Tobin first introduced the concept of affiliate marketing to his business by giving the network commissions on every sale.
Four years later, the network was able to generate up to $6 million annually and had over 2,500 affiliates around the web.
Tobin’s online flower shop became a huge success that he decided to patent affiliate marketing in 1996 and was issued the patent in 2000.
1994 – The Birth of Browser Cookies and CDNow

In 1994, Lou Montulli, created the first browser cookie while he was working on a project at Netscape and noticed that websites lacked the ability to remember visitors.
He thought that if browsers had a unique identifier, this could help websites identify users easily so they don’t have to keep repeating the same process, especially when buying products online.
However, Montulli also realized that this could be harmful to users as it could be used to track their activity on every website, which is mainly caused by third-party cookies.
The existence of third-party cookies was fully unintentional that’s why Montulli immediately came up with a solution to prevent this from happening by giving users the option to disable third-party cookies.
Today, cookies are the most used way of keeping track of a website visitor’s preferences and behavior.
1994 was also the year when CDNow was founded by Jason and Matthew Olim, two siblings from Pennsylvania, who started a retail website selling CDs and other music-related products.
During that time, CDNow was operating as a drop shipping company and was able to sell more than 140,000 albums online.
To increase album sales on their website, they launched the BuyWeb program where the company would often ask music sites to review albums and link their users directly to CDNow. (Source: MoreNiche)
It eventually became the go-to website for people looking to buy albums online until the company ceased operations in 2013.
1996 – Amazon Associates and LinkShare Were Established

Amazon Associates is the company’s original affiliate marketing program that began in 1996.
It has been said that Jeff Bezos, the CEO, and founder of Amazon, originally came up with the idea after talking to a woman at a cocktail party when she mentioned she wanted to sell books on Amazon and give them a commission for every sale.
At that time, the company was primarily focused on selling a few products on its platform and its affiliate program was the first of its kind to attract global interest by making the program open to the public.
The company’s business model was based on commissions per sale, which eventually became the model for many affiliate networks.
Today, Amazon offers a wide range of products and services for sale through its online marketplace, making it an ideal platform for businesses to market their products.
In addition to its own products, Amazon also works with many other major brands and retailers, giving affiliates a wide range of products to promote.
This innovative approach has led to the growth of the company and its affiliate program, which eventually became the largest online retailer in the world.
Interestingly, during that same year, LinkShare, an affiliate marketing network, popularly known today as Rakuten Advertising, was founded by two siblings, Heidi and Stephen Messer.
The network has since become a major player in the affiliate marketing industry which continues to grow in popularity.
1997 – The First Affiliate Program Directory Was Created

Refer-It, the first affiliate program directory, was created by Wayne Marciano in 1997. (Source: MoreNiche)
The purpose of the directory was to help affiliates find reputable programs to join and promote by using its comprehensive search engine feature.
Marciano initially created the directory because he was having trouble finding affiliate programs to generate more revenue for his own website,
1998 – ClickBank and Commission Junction Were Founded

In 1998, two companies were founded that would go on to become two of the largest affiliate networks in the world.
ClickBank was founded by Tim and Eileen Barber, while Commission Junction, widely known today as CJ Affiliate, was founded by Todd Crawford, Lex Sisney, and Per Pettersen.
These two companies have both played an important role in shaping the affiliate network industry and remain strong contenders in the industry up until today.
2000 – The “Dot Com Disclosures” Was Published

In May 2000, FTC published guidelines that outlined best practices for affiliate marketing.
The guidelines include a disclosure statement that must be included in all advertisements for affiliates to ensure transparency.
This means that if an affiliate gets compensated for promoting a product or service, they must place an affiliate disclosure statement in a conspicuous place on their website or posts.
2001 – The eBay Affiliate Program Was Founded

eBay, a popular global online marketplace founded in 1995, launched its very own affiliate program in 2001 called the eBay Partner Network (EPN).
Since then, eBay has grown into a diverse platform allowing merchants to sell products through eBay’s site.
Through its comprehensive affiliate program, eBay has helped drive traffic to many small businesses and helped increase overall revenue for many affiliates. (Source: Small Business Trends)
2003 – The Affiliate Summit by Shawn Collins and Missy Ward Was Founded

Shawn Collins and Missy Ward founded Affiliate Summit in 2003.
For almost 20 years, Affiliate Summit has been offering conferences on a variety of topics related to affiliate marketing.
It has since become one of the most popular resources for helping affiliates learn from the best since both Collins and Ward have a wealth of experience in the affiliate marketing industry.
They’ve been there and done that, so they’re able to offer advice that’s both practical and invaluable.
2005 – LinkShare Was Acquired by Rakuten Inc. for $425 Million

LinkShare, a global affiliate marketing network was acquired by Rakuten Inc. for $425 million in 2005. (Source: The Wall Street Journal)
The acquisition helped Rakuten reach a wider market and increase its advertising capabilities.
2007 – Google Bought Doubleclick Performics

Google has always been a leader in online marketing. In 2007, they bought Doubleclick Performics for $3.1B to create the Google Affiliate Network.
The goal was to connect businesses and affiliates together in order to improve their online performance.
However, this strategy changed in 2013 when the company closed down its affiliate program in order to focus on other products.
2008 – The Performance Marketing Association Was Founded

The Performance Marketing Association (PMA) was founded in 2008 as a non-profit trade association to address issues faced by the performance marketing industry.
PMA’s mission is to support and promote excellence in performance marketing, educate members and the public about the benefits of performance marketing, and advocate for best practices within the industry. (Source: PMA)
2009 – The PeerFly Affiliate Network Was Founded

PeerFly is a global affiliate network with more than 75,000 active affiliates in over 165 countries.
The company was founded in 2009 by Chad French and offers its advertisers an easy-to-use platform to create and manage their own affiliate programs.
2013 – Google Shut Down Its Affiliate Network

In 2013, Google shut down its Google Affiliate Network, which had been in operation since 2007.
This decision was made in order to focus on other products and services, such as Google AdSense.
2014 – Rakuten LinkShare was rebranded to Rakuten Affiliate Network
In 2014, Rakuten LinkShare was rebranded to Rakuten Affiliate Network.
The change occurred as part of a larger effort by the Japanese company to provide a better platform for its affiliate marketers.
The rebranding of Rakuten LinkShare was a key part of this initiative, as it signaled a new era for affiliate marketing. (Source: Crunchbase)
2016 – eBay Enterprise Marketing Solution Acquires AffiliateTraction

In 2016, eBay Enterprise Marketing Solution acquired AffiliateTraction which was then rebranded to Pepperjam during that same year.
This acquisition gave eBay a strong foothold in the affiliate marketing industry.
AffiliateTraction is a marketing agency that helps businesses manage and grow their own affiliate programs.
They use a variety of methods to help businesses succeed, such as creating an affiliate management system, providing resources and support, and more.
With this acquisition, eBay was able to strengthen its position in the affiliate marketing market. (Source: Digital Commerce 360)
2019 – The COVID-19 Pandemic Started

The COVID-19 pandemic started in 2019 and has caused a significant increase in eCommerce growth as consumers are looking for ways to purchase their needs without having to get out of their homes to avoid getting the disease.
Affiliate marketers are well placed to capitalize on this trend as they have an understanding of how people behave when looking for products and services online.
They are also able to tap into the growing trend of online shopping which is expected to grow rapidly over the next few years. (Source: ITCAN)
2020 – Rakuten Affiliate Network was rebranded to Rakuten Advertising and Pepperjam Was Acquired by Partnerize
The Rakuten affiliate network was rebranded to Rakuten Advertising in 2020.
The new name reflects the company’s broader focus on connecting publishers with brands.
This allows businesses to grow more effectively and provides a comprehensive solution for marketing needs.
In that same year, Pepperjam was also acquired by Partnerize, a platform that helps businesses grow their affiliate and partnership programs. (Source: Pepperjam)
This acquisition marked the entrance of Pepperjam into the larger affiliate marketing space and underscores the growing importance of affiliate networks in the digital advertising ecosystem.
2021 to Present

With the advent of the internet and social media, affiliate marketing has changed significantly.
Back in the day, affiliates would post links on their personal websites and wait for customers to click through and buy products.
Today, however, affiliates can post links on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter and reach a much wider audience very quickly.
The popularity of smartphones has also made it easier for affiliates to conduct their business from anywhere in the world.
As a result, affiliate marketing has become even more important than ever for businesses looking to reach a large audience online. (Source: Voluum)
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